

《看火者》制作成员正忙于《瑞克与莫蒂》漫画系列 - 瑞克和莫蒂

游戏《看火者(Firewatch)》开发团队的两名成员于近日宣布了新的合作项目 ——《瑞克与莫蒂(Rick and Morty)》漫画系列。

《看火者》联合总监兼编剧Sean Vanaman在推特上宣布,其本人将和《看火者》游戏策划Olly Moss共同负责连载漫画《瑞克与莫蒂》第29期的创作。漫画插图由C.J. Cannon完成,并将于今年8月推出。Vanaman分享了封绘图。

Rick and Morty:

去年,IGN在《看火者》的测评文章中称之为“最佳‘行走模拟类游戏’之一,理由在于其叙事、艺术指导以及声优演出方面的优秀” 今年早些时候,该游戏销售量超过了100万大关。

Firewatch is a mystery set in the woods of Wyoming, where your only emotional lifeline is the person on the other end of a handheld radio. You play as a man named Henry who has retreated from his messy life to work as a fire lookout in the wilderness. Perched high atop a mountain, it’s your job to look for smoke and keep the wilderness safe. An especially hot and dry summer has everyone on edge. Your supervisor, a woman named Delilah, is available to you at all times over a small, handheld radio -- and is your only contact with the world you’ve left behind. But when something strange draws you out of your lookout tower and into the world, you’ll explore a wild and unknown environment, facing questions and making interpersonal choices that can build or destroy the only meaningful relationship you have.


